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:( good game though


The strength of this fiction lies in its subtlety. It's rather dramatic in presentation, building tension and dread with the deliberate pacing over a short subject.

Mostly, there's a factual, disinterested style which heightens the horror of the action - but when the author chooses to add a touch of drama, it's piercing. The interactive choices shook me when they changed tone, when the responses got more emotional and personal, I felt it.

You might want to try different attempts through this.


that was... a lot. really good stuff.


very detailed and descriptive. i enjoy the way  the animals represent metaphors and emotions. the desperation from the player’s  perspective to get out is written very well despite the small sentences describing it. i look forward to playing more of your creations <3


Nice! This is a neat subversion of the typical expectation in games that there always is a solution. (unless...?)


good like a pit in my own stomach that I now recognize wasn't something I put there


this happened to my buddy eric